Date(s) - 02/06/2021
10:00 - 11:45
COVID-19 has exacerbated the issues of Roma child poverty in Europe and the inequality surrounding digital accessibility for students. The recently launched Child Guarantee aims to ensure that “every child in Europe at risk of poverty or social exclusion has access to the most basic of rights like healthcare and education.” Of particular interest to Eurodiaconia’s members is the translation of the Child Guarantee to the situation of Roma children living in poverty and digital poverty as it relates to access to education.
Our speakers include high-level representatives from the EU Commission and Parliament, a Eurodiaconia member providing social services to Roma children, a researcher on digital poverty, and a representative from Roma youth civil society. Our panelists will seek to answer the following questions: How should Roma child poverty be addressed to ensure real inclusion and break generational cycles? How can ending digital poverty in all its forms be prioritised to ensure that children do not continue to lose valuable years of education? What best practices to ensure access to basic services and education have emerged before and during the pandemic?
You can register here and read our draft agenda here!